Though intended for members of the in-person group, other Rust Belt writers wanting legitimate critiques can join our online critique group.
Roadmap to Success (AKA Recommended Actions)We are here to help each other become better writers. We are also here to help each other increase our exposure. Step 1) Sign Up for Your Member's Profile Page.We create a space where you can share links to their important social media "marketing assets" -- blogs, Amazon author's page, FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. -- for other members to link to. Details >> Step 2) Join Our Critique Groups.Want folks reading your work in progress and and providing honest feedback? Here's a list of critique groups for Cleveland-area writers, both online and in-person. (PS. -- The online critique group is open to every Ohio writer... or to any other rust belt writer for that matter... 😊 ) Details >> Step 3) Get Social. Add group members to your social media author's presence.Contemporary writers need to reach readers. Social media is a means, the gateway to cheap advertising. So we'd suggest you add everyone in the group's social media to your own social media accounts. It'll increase your reach. Details >> Step 4) Write.Finish the damned thing! Step 5) Give and Get Feedback.The group exists to help us improve our work. Use it. Details >> |
Bottom Line/ Mission Statement.
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Success = book done & copies sold. |
The Rust Belt.
The maligned. Where rivers burn and, when the wind's just right, factory smoke will curl your nose hairs the scent's so repulsive.
We ain't pretty, but we built America. We, and our forebearers, manufactured stuff that made dreams concrete. Steel. Cars. Auto Parts. Etc.
American culture has, for too long, ignored our voices. Coastal elites dominate the publishing world. New Yorkers and Californians determine most of what we read. Sure, they're great states with great cities in their own rights. But, let's face facts, neither Manhattan nor Manhattan Beach are close to Cleveland. We inhabit a different world.
Instead, we find our kin in Akron, Toledo, Youngstown, Pittsburgh, Gary, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Green Bay, Milwaukee, Peoria, etc. Even big industrial cities, like Chicago, Philadelphia and Newark have more in common with Cleveland than uber-posh Los Angeles and creative (but naive) Silicon Valley and San Francisco.
Our mission is to unearth those Rust Belt voices. To help each other hammer the rough ore into a finished product that reflects the factory whistles that made us "us." A product we can stand behind, and help them market. To help the world hear how long and strong and resilient that we, the forgotten builders, are.
We support regional voices. Cleveland-area and Ohio writers. And any other Rust Belt writer. Be they from Michigan, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Wisconsin, etc.
Contributed by Leo Walsh