2) Groups

Writers need honest feedback on their work. Critique groups help us get that feedback for the monetary least investment.

Granting and accepting constructive feedback, though, does take work. It is a learned art. But it is how most people get better at anything. Even LeBron James gets coached. Since a coach observes detached, while a writer (or LeBron) is attached to the act.

Click here for an article on the art of feedback. The article's author received certification in the Asking Coach managerial model while working at a Fortune 100 firm in the 1990's.

Critique Groups Associated With Rust Belt Writers

In-Person: Cleveland Writer's Press Finishing Group

A decade-old MeetUp group meeting at Cleveland's Burke Lakefront Airport on the first Monday of every month. Meetings run as follows.
  1. Meet and Greet
  2. Marketing -- if a book falls in the woods an no one reads it, did it fall? Usually presented by the publishing and book marketing experts at Cleveland Writers Press.
  3. EVERY person who shows up can read about 1,000 words and get feedback. 
(Information accurate as of 01/03/2016)

Online: G+ Cleveland/ Rust Belt Writers Critique Group

This is an online Google Plus (G+) group for writers seeking feedback on works in progress only. No marketing pitches for a your published novel. To participate...  

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